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Hall of Heroes Dinner Banquet!

We're happy to introduce you to fanfest's own "Hall of Heroes!"

Our fanfest "Hall of Heroes" will be different, but still very special. Admittedly, the first group of seven honorees will have a definite Mid-Atlantic slant; after all, we are in Charlotte! Each of these individuals is a true legend -- a "hero" -- in every sense of the word.

Our first-ever "Hall of Heroes" awards ceremony will be combined with a wonderful dinner banquet that will take place Friday evening, August 10. Many of the honorees, presenters, and other featured guests from the weekend will be on hand to share in this once-in-a-lifetime experience.

I've set aside three hours in our schedule for the dinner banquet and awards ceremony, although it could go longer.

I'm sure everyone will have questions regarding the "Hall of Heroes" Dinner Banquet. Let me try to answer what I believe will be the most frequently asked...

1) What will it cost? $75. No dinner banquet tickets will be sold after August 6, as we have to turn in counts to the hotel at that time.

2) What will the dinner consist of? Dinner will be a buffet meal (it's not an "All-You-Can-Eat" buffet, but no one is gonna discourage you from going back for seconds,) that includes Herb-Baked Chicken, Roasted Pork Loin, Sweet Corn, Wild Rice, Roasted Potatoes, Salad Bar, Dessert, Iced Tea and Water. (No baloney here!) There will be a cash bar, as well.

3) How will the seating be done? Each table of eight will consist of six fans, a wrestler, and possibly the wrestler's spouse or family member. We cannot guarantee which wrestler will be seated at your table, only that you will be seated with a wrestling legend. When you purchase your ticket, you may include a list requesting as many names as you'd like. When we have the final numbers, I will try my best to get you with your most-wanted guest. But, ultimately, we can make no guarantees on the seating choices, only that a legend will be seated with you.

4) How do I buy my ticket? The only payment options for the dinner banquet tickets are check or money order. Send a check or money order -- made payable to Greg Price -- to:

Greg Price
P.O. Box 2351
Monroe, NC 28111-2351

Please be sure to include your name, your VIP number if you have that, and your email address. If you'd like to request a specific legend (and alternates,) that you'd like to be seated with, please include that as well.

It looks like it will be an extraordinary evening.

Here are a few things I'd like to add about the Friday night "Hall of Heroes" dinner banquet and awards ceremony.

Please don't hesitate to get your dinner banquet tickets if you plan to attend. The response to the "new thing" has been nothing short of tremendous and I'm very appreciative of those of you that have chosen to be part of this memorable evening. I anticipate this is going to be one night that adds so much to the fanfest weekend experience.

To give you an idea of the evening's schedule and exactly what to expect...

The dinner banquet will take place in the Hilton's largest ballroom. Those of you that have been with us previously will remember this room for containing our Autograph Stage and the wrestling matches last time here. This year, the Autograph Stage will be in the same ballroom, but it will move to the center of the back wall. This stage will also be the spotlight during the "Hall of Heroes" awards ceremony.

There will be a buffet line on each end of the ballroom. You may use either. While it's not an "All-You-Can-Eat" buffet, no one is going to discourage you from going back for seconds. The menu has been noted here previously.

There will be 60" round tables throughout the ballroom, each table seating 8 persons -- a wrestler/legend and his/her spouse/friend and six fans. Seating assignments are random, and by request, which means we'll definitely try to seat you with one of your favorites, but we cannot guarantee anything other than the first sentence of this paragraph: a wrestler/legend and his/her spouse/friend will be seated with six fans.

Price and payment deadlines have been covered above, but I do want to clarify the point about who you sit with. When you send in your payment, please include a list of names (in order of preference,) that you'd like to be seated with. Your list can be as short or as long as you'd like. I'll try my best to accommodate everyone, but hope you'll all realize that regardless of who you're seated with, this is going to be a tremendous experience.

I'm sure not all the wrestling talent will be attending the banquet. Some of the guests already confirmed to be joining us for the banquet include Ole Anderson, Baby Doll, Penny Banner, Traci Brooks, Bob Caudle, Dennis Condrey, Jim Cornette, Ted Dibiase, Bill Eadie, Bobby Eaton, Gary Hart, Rip Hawk, Christy Hemme, Stan Lane, Talia Madison, Judy Martin, George Scott, Steve Williams and Tommy Young. More to come. Some won't be arriving until the following day. But rest assured, we will have many wrestlers/legends among us, even including some of the vendor guests as well. Like I wrote earlier, this banquet has been so well received by fans and wrestlers alike, no one is going to leave disappointed.

You'll find out who you'll be seated with when you pickup your tickets and VIP materials at Registration. You will also be assigned a "table number."

Still cameras WILL be allowed at the dinner banquet, but there will be a "No Standing" policy in effect. Take all the photos you'd like from your seat, but please do not stand to take someone else's photo or to pose with someone for a photo. Anyone not abiding by this request will be asked to remove their camera from the room. This is necessary to provide EVERYONE a view of the proceedings. We're not just trying to be hard on folks.

Please do not ask for autographs during the dinner banquet. This is a rare chance to have dinner and socialize with some of our heroes. Please don't ruin the moment by interrupting someone's dinner, asking for an autograph. Anyone not abiding by this request will be asked to leave on the first offense. Sorry, no second chances here either.

There will also be a "No Chasing" rule. If a wrestler/legend gets up during the proceedings to excuse themselves, please do not follow. For heaven's sake, if Bobby Eaton needs to go to the bathroom, he deserves the chance to do it in private.

Dress code is casual; use your own discretion. The only thing I ask is that the males wear a shirt with a collar.)

Doors will open for the dinner banquet at 6:30 p.m. Friday evening. There will be two entrances to the ballroom, one for each buffet line. You will be directed to the ballroom entrance and buffet line closest to your seat. You will go through the line, and then to your table. There will be ushers in case you have trouble locating your seat. (At this point, you will already have received your table assignment and know who and most likely where you'll be sitting in the ballroom.) The buffet lines will remain open until 8 p.m.

At around 7 p.m., as folks continue to be seated, former Pro Wrestling Illustrated Managing Editor Bill Apter will begin a whirlwind trip around the ballroom, introducing everyone from each table. Ideally, we'd like to get everyone's name and where you're from, but you may also slip in any other brief comment you'd like to make. Feel free to be as original as you'd like, but please be respectful of the wrestlers/legends and their families, and also to the heritage of the "sport" we all love so much. Please be mindful there will likely be some minors in attendance, so no profanity please. If you're shy and would just prefer to share your name and hometown, that's certainly acceptable, too. This will be a brisk 30- to 45-minute "introduction" that will let everyone in the ballroom know who you're sharing this experience with.

The "Hall of Heroes" awards ceremony will begin at approximately 7:30-7:45 p.m. and will likely last a couple hours. Chris Cruise will serve as the Master of Ceremonies. Jim Cornette is the special guest host.

We will have our roving photographers covering the event. One of the things we'll do is have our photographers take group photos of each table that will be available for purchase later, if you wish.

At the end of the ceremony, we will need to clear the room to prepare for the evening's Question-and Answer session, which will begin at approximately 10 p.m.

Sorry for the long version, but I want you guys (and girls) to know as much as possible in advance regarding the dinner banquet and awards ceremony, just because it's a new addition to our fanfest weekend activities and I want things to run as smoothly as possible for everyone involved.

I hope you'll join me in making this a very, very memorable evening to kickoff the weekend's festivities.

If you have any questions about the Hall of Heroes dinner banquet and awards ceremony, please email

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